Cold Brew in January

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A hidden gem

Written on June 30, 2022

Eight years ago I found a small, play-based preschool right up the block from us. I was thrilled because finally, there was a school in our neighborhood that we had a shot at affording - if you know about Manhattan preschools, you know- but more so, because of how wonderfully kind and warm the people were.

We had our play date visit, and the director quickly saw who H was and spoke to her in the warm way that exceptional early childhood educators speak. We put all our proverbial eggs in the BPCNS basket and hoped we would get in. When my sitter asked me what my plan B was, I told her there was no plan B. We hoped a little harder.

Eight years later, our BPCNS chapter is ending. I’ve been ignoring the finality of this, in an attempt to not start crying my eyes out and instead to focus on all we gained from being a member of this community. Today, I’m just so sad to see our time come to an end.

We’ve learned that when you cross the street, it’s steady walking, no talking. When our kids are struggling with big feelings, we can say to them, “The words are …” When you get the vanilla cupcake but really wanted the chocolate one, you remind yourself you get what you get and you don’t act upset.

We’ve learned that love is something when you give it away, give it away, give it away. We’ve had class meet ups at the Riverside Park tot lots, time at Columbia’s journalism school lawn, watched our kids make family portraits, become chefs, directors, writers, singers and most importantly, genuinely empathetic, caring kids. We watched their teachers pivot during a pandemic and explore what our masks hide- both physically and emotionally. We’ve enjoyed singalongs in person and over Zoom, unmasked and masked. We’ve been supported when our girls were thriving and when they were struggling. The red doors have been open to us from day one and we know they’ll stay open. But now we’ll wave as we pass by, sneaking a peak and listening in to the joy that this great little school cultivates.

From the very bottom of our hearts, thank you BPCNS community for being a pillar of strength and support to our family over the years. We’ll be giving our love now and forever.